Chakra is the name given to energy centres found in and around our physical body. These are areas where energy is concentrated. 

When we have a “gut feeling,” we're experiencing the energy of one of the main centres—the Solar Plexus—located three inches above our navel relaying information to us in the form of feelings. The Heart Chakra is the centre involved when we give and receive love. 

There are too many Chakras to know and list here. However, there are seven major areas we need to keep balanced and clear to keep us operating at optimum capacity. The seven main Chakras run along our spinal column starting at the base of our spine, and make their way to the top of our head to the Crown Chakra. 

They've each been associated with a specific colour (resonance) that is distributed in our energy body and make up the colourful layers of our aura. 

These seven energy centres relate to the hormone producing glands of our body's endocrine system. This collection of glands regulates many bodily functions including metabolism, reproduction, and sleep as well as our moods. 

Keeping our Chakras vibrant is key to our physical and mental well-being. Imbalances in any of these seven centres show up in our everyday life as common discomforts such as headaches. Emotional wellness is also reflected, and instability in any area of our overall quality of life will show in the state of these centres. 

Energy workers trained in Reiki and in Chakra healing can help people maintain vitality by attending to the Chakras. 

When chronic ailments or dis-eases are present, it's beneficial to clear and balance the Chakra(s) related to the illness before attempting any balancing work. Failing to recognize, clear and restore any dull and clogged up energy centre renders Chakra balancing work incomplete. 

Physical manifestations will show up in the energy field first. Treating illness without clearing and strengthening the affected Chakra(s) can cause eventual recurrences and a diminished energy level.   Clearing and balancing the Chakras is an effective way of maintaining health of the body, mind, and spirit. 

Energy in Colour

The Living Colours of the 7 Major Chakras

Clours are described as aspects of things upon which light (electromagnetic waves) is reflected or absorbed and emitted. The longest wavelength people can see is the colour red, and the shortest is violet. 

The lower Chakras—one through three—are nearest to the Earth we live on and are associated with much of our physical form. These Chakras are seen as what we consider warmer colours.  

The colours of the  lower Chakras are red, orange, and yellow respectively starting at the base of the spine. 

As we move upwards towards the top of our head, the colours are seen in what we call cooler shades. They range from sky blue to violet, and mainly influence the formless aspects of life (the mind and most of our senses). 

The Root Chakra located at the base of the spine is interpreted as the colour Red. A hot colour, Red energizes and invokes feelings of warmth and deep-seated passion. 

The colour Orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra located 3” below the navel. This vibrant colour representing feelings of joy that make us feel creative and happy. 

The Solar Plexus located 3” above the navel is seen as the colour Yellow. Interpreted as stimulating, it also signifies radiance and power.

The Heart Chakra is represented by the colour Green. The most prominent environmental colour, it brings calmness and healing.

The Throat Chakra is observed as the colour of a clear Light Blue sky. A cooling and calming colour of expansion.

Indigo (Blue) is the colour of the Third-Eye Chakra. Indigo is considered a dynamic colour of depth. 

The Crown Chakra colour is Violet. The colour Violet is an inspirational colour associated with spirit and pure consciousness.

Getting to know your energetic body

Introducing the 7 Major Chakras

The first of the Chakras



Physical Body


Basic needs

Relationship with the living world

The Root Chakra Symbol

Root Chaka -




SENSE: Smell

The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is sometimes called the Base Chakra. It is located at the base if the spine, or more specifically at the coccyx between the anus and the genitals. 

Its relation to the Earth element means it’s involved in the physical aspects of life. All things, starting from our survival instincts to how we relate to all living things are part of this foundational Chakra. 

The Root Chakra influences our bones, colon, kidneys, legs, and spinal column. 

A clear and balanced Root Chakra will be represented by a healthy physical body, and an enjoyment of life through our senses. A lot of who we are is rooted to this first Chakra, the first to develop during our childhood. 

Difficulties we create and encounter are often the result of being too much in our head and disassociating with the Root Chakra. This is especially true now as we become more captivated by technology.  

The energetic layer in the aura/auric field of the Root Chakra energy is the one closest to our body. It is referred to as the Etheric body and relates to our Lower self.

The second Chakra

Sacral Chaka -




Emotions (emotional programming starts here)





COLOUR: Orange

SENSE: Taste

The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is sometimes called the Base Chakra. It is located at the base if the spine, or more specifically at the coccyx between the anus and the genitals. 

Its relation to the Earth element means it’s involved in the physical aspects of life. All things, starting from our survival instincts to how we relate to all living things are part of this foundational Chakra. 

The Root Chakra influences our bones, colon, kidneys, legs, and spinal column. 

A clear and balanced Root Chakra will be represented by a healthy physical body, and an enjoyment of life through our senses. A lot of who we are is rooted to this first Chakra, the first to develop during our childhood. 

Difficulties we create and encounter are often the result of being too much in our head and disassociating with the Root Chakra. This is especially true now as we become more captivated by technology.  

The energetic layer in the aura/auric field of the Root Chakra energy is the one closest to our body. It is referred to as the Etheric body and relates to our Lower self.

The third Chakra

Solar Plexus Chaka - Manipura


Power (Personal Power Centre)


Intentional Action

Energy Generation




COLOUR: Yellow

SENSE: Sight

The Solar Plexus known as the Manipura is the third major Chakra. It is located three inches above our navel. 

Its relation to the Fire element means it’s related to power. It is the centre of our power. 

 How we create and utilize our personal power and how we interact with others energetically is related to the Solar Plexus. 

 The Solar Plexus Chakra influences our gallbladder, liver, muscles, nervous system, and stomach. 

A clear and balanced Solar Plexus will be represented by confidence and healthy involvements and relationships. 

Our relationship with our own self will be reflected in the types of relationships we cultivate with others. 

Following the creative passions of the Sacral Chakra (second), the third Chakra is engaged in how we generate or lose power. 

This Chakra, being our power centre, is at the top of the three lower Chakras. It is here that the energy we bring up with our Root Chakra from Mother Earth is joined by the energy we take in at the Crown Chakra from the Infinite and Divine Creator Source.  

The energetic layer in the aura/auric field of the Solar Plexus Chakra energy is the third out from our physical body, and is referred to as the Lower Mental body and relates to our Lower Mental aspect.

The fourth Chakra

Heart Chaka - Anahata


Openness to Love

Social personality

Love & empathy for self & others



SENSE: Touch

The Heart Chakra or Anahata—fourth in line—is located in the middle of our chest area. 

Its relation to the Air element means it’s intrinsically linked to the breath-of-life; our openness to love. The Heart Chakra sits at the midway point between the other six main Chakras. There are three major Chakras below this centre and three above it.

Keeping our heart open is central to quality and expansion of life experiences. 

The Heart Chakra is related to our Thymus gland and influences our arms, circulatory system, hands, heart, and lungs. 

A clear and balanced Heart Chakra will be represented by compassionate understanding and a peaceful and loving nature. When we’re consciously involved with an optimistic and trusting view of life, we are able to keep the Heart Chakra balanced. We feel connected and are in harmony with the physical demands of life and our need to love and be loved. 

The energetic layer in the aura/auric field  of the Heart Chakra energy is the fourth out from our physical body, and is referred to as the Higher Mental body and relates to our Astral aspect. 

At the midway point between the upper and lower Chakras, the Heart Chakra must be clear if we want to connect the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.  

The next three upper Chakras operate in tandem with the mind and are closely related to higher aspects of us. What the lower three Chakras manifest in our life depends on how well connected we are to our higher aspects. 

The fifth Chakra

Throat Chaka - Vishuddha








SENSE: Hearing

The Throat Chakra, known as Vishuddha, is the fifth major Chakra, and is located at the center of the throat at base of our neck. 

Its relation to the element of ether links it to what is unperceivable to the human eye, the unseen energetic waves and vibrations we’re closely intermingling with on the astral level. The Throat Chakra is the first of the upper Chakras that have much to do with the mind. (We’ve all heard the term, “speak your mind.”) 

The Throat Chakra is related to our Thyroid and Parathyroid glands, and influences our Hypothalamus, mouth, and throat.  

A clear and balanced Throat Chakra will be represented by effective communication, artistic creative expression, and wisdom. We speak our Truth and are aligned with the Divine will. The Throat Chakra’s creative force is in how the expressions we channel out are returned to us by the universe. 

The spoken word is a powerful creative medium. 

The energetic layer in the aura/auric field of the Throat Chakra energy is the fifth out from our physical body before the last two (the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras) layers. It is referred to as our Spiritual Body and is related to our Etheric Template aspect.

The sixth Chakra

Third-Eye Chaka - Ajna










COLOUR: Indigo Blue

SENSE: Extra-Sensory

The Third-Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is sometimes referred to as the Brow Chakra. It is located in the middle of our brain where our Pineal gland is situated, relative to the physical level slightly above our eyebrows between our two physical eyes. 

Its relation to the element of light connects us to unseen realms beyond our physical perception. We experience the influence of Spirit. The Third-Eye Chakra is illustrated as an eye located slightly higher than the middle of our two physical eyes. 

The Third-Eye Chakra is related to our Pineal and Pituitary glands, and influences our ears, left eye, and nose. 

A clear and balanced Third-Eye Chakra is represented by peace, visionary perception and insight along with wisdom and sharp memory. Our ability to see the bigger picture comes with higher sensitivity and understanding. The Third-Eye Chakra reveals to us aspects of our life and of our own self we’re subconsciously creating.  

The Third-Eye Chakra’s energetic layer in the aura/auric field is the second outer layer of the aura and sixth out fromr physical body. It is referred to as our Causal Body and is related to our Celestial aspect.

The fsevenh Chakra

Crown Chaka - Sahasrara



Thoughts & Beliefs



Connection to Divine

ELEMENT: Thought/Will

COLOUR: Violet/Purple

SENSE: All of the senses

The Crown Chakra—or Sahasrara—is the seventh Chakra and is locates in the middle of the top of our head/skull. 

Its relation to the elements of thought and will is connected to what we believe in, and what we think and want. The Crown Chakra illuminates the higher state of unity and all consciousness and is our gateway to transcendence and integration with our highest and truest aspect. 

The Crown Chakra is related to our Pineal and Pituitary glands, and influences our central nervous system (CNS), cerebral cortex, and right eye. 

A clear and balanced Crown Chakra is represented by being of inspiration, accessing Divine wisdom, and selfless service connected to spiritual will. An ability to see the bigger picture comes with higher sensitivity and understanding. The Crown Chakra’s revealed consciousness expansion brings us to Soul realization. 

The Crown Chakra’s energetic layer in the aura/auric field is the seventh layer out from our physical body. It is referred to as our Ketheric Body and is related to our highest and truest aspect.